De nous à vous, de vous à nous
Camping, tourisme & nature
For decades, Baerenthal has had a great respect for the environment, especially around the village itself.
*Tap water is not treated and has an exceptional bacteriological quality.
* The village was the first in Bitcherland to have ecological sewage works. The used water is recycled in a system of lagoons, totally natural and not consuming any electricity. The waste is used for farming.
* The land no longer used for agriculture is kept tidy by the Highland cattle from Scotland.

* The commune has been awarded two flowers as you can see on the signposts as you enter the village in spite of the climate that is not really ideal for flower growing. To protect the environment, weeding is done by hand without using weed killer. To preserve the water, the beds are fed with a drip system. There are many perennials that need less watering then annuals.
* Because of the ever decreasing fuel resource, the municipality decided in 2006 to react in two ways to save energy: the heating system and the transport: The Brasserie Ramstein Plage and the swimming pool are heated by a wood burning stove, renewable energy and plentiful in this area. Elsewhere the hot water system at the campsite is heated by solar panels. The vehicles are mainly diesel and will be replaced eventually by electric vehicles that are better adapted for the small mileage.
* But the environment, although preserved, is still fragile. The municipality is trying to make the villagers and tourists aware with punctual actions such as organised ‘keep the countryside clean’ days in spring, an environmental day, and leaflets for the campers, etc.
Better to prevent than to recover. Avoid pollution, our children, grandchildren and future generations will thank you for it.